
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


Accountant Access in Saturation
Invite up to 2 accountants for free with limited access. This new role allows accountants to view payments, transactions and provides read-only access to budgets and actuals.
How to Use:
  1. Go to your workspace settings
  2. Select "Members"
  3. Choose "Accountant" as the role
  4. Enter the accountant's email and send the invitation
Approval Flows
Introducing custom approval processes for payments. Set up rules based on project, amount, or other criteria to ensure proper oversight before payments are sent out.
How to Use:
  1. Go to the new "Approvals" section in your workspace
  2. Click "New Approval Flow" to set up your first flow
  3. Configure approval rules (e.g., by project, amount threshold)
  4. Add multiple steps for different approval levels if needed
  5. Set number of required approvers for each step
Once set up, new payments will be held for approval based on your rules. Approvers receive email notifications and can approve or reject payments from their dashboard.
Recent Transactions for Vendors
View recent transactions for vendors directly in their contact profile. This feature streamlines vendor management by providing quick access to transaction history.
How to Use:
  1. Open a contact's profile
  2. Scroll to the "Recent Transactions" section
  3. View the list of recent transactions associated with the vendor
Transactions filtering by card
Now, when you select “Saturation Pay” from sources, a new dropdown menu will appear, allowing you to filter transactions by specific cards.
How to Use:
  • Go to the Transactions section in Saturation.
  • Select “Saturation Pay” from the list of sources.
  • A dropdown menu will appear, displaying all available cards associated with Saturation Pay.
  • Choose the desired card to filter transactions specifically related to that card.
Why It’s Useful:
• Gain deeper insights into transactions associated with individual cards.
• Streamline expense tracking and reporting by focusing on transactions from specific cards.
• Enhance financial management by easily monitoring spending across different payment methods.
Vendors in Transactions
What’s New:
• Vendor Selection: Now you can easily designate contacts as vendors directly within transactions.
• Streamlined vendor management within transactions.
• Improved accuracy in tracking expenses and payments.
How to Use:
1. Open the transaction details.
2. Select the contact associated with the vendor.
3. Choose the “Vendor” option to designate the contact as a vendor for the transaction.
list view
What’s New:
• Project List View: Introducing a new list view option for projects, offering a streamlined way to browse and manage your projects.
How to Use:
• On the project page click on the list icon on the right.
Tagging accounts in comments
What’s New:
• Enhanced Comment Tagging: You can now use the “#” symbol to search for and tag specific accounts directly within the comment section.
•I improved Communication: Quickly reference and link relevant accounts in your comments to streamline communication and collaboration.
• Efficient communication within the budgeting interface.
• Better organization and clarity in discussions related to specific budget items.
How to Use:
1. Navigate to the comment section within your budget.
2. Type “#” followed by the account name you want to tag.
3. Select the appropriate account from the dropdown menu.
4. Your comment will now include a clickable link to the tagged account.
Tip: You can still right-click on any cell to add a comment.
What’s New:
• Smarter Actual Types: Our new Actual Types feature allows for more detailed categorization and breakdown of financial data. The first type we’re introducing is Time Cards.
• Time Card Integration: When you create an actual and choose “Time Card” as the type, you can now expand or split the actual to see additional columns that mirror a traditional payroll log.
• Enhanced detail and clarity in tracking payroll expenses.
• More precise breakdowns of time-related costs directly within your budget.
How to Use:
1. Create an actual and select “Time Card” as the type.
2. Split the actual entry.
3. View and utilize the additional columns provided to break down details similar to a payroll log.
This update helps streamline payroll management within Saturation, offering a familiar and detailed view for tracking time-related expenses.
What's New:
Tagging Capability: You can now tag team members in comments within any project. This feature enhances collaboration by allowing you to direct comments to specific individuals, ensuring they receive notifications about discussions relevant to them.
How to Use:
In any comment field, type "@" followed by the team member's name to tag them.
The tagged individuals will receive a notification, drawing their attention to the comment.
This update facilitates more effective team interactions and ensures critical information is promptly highlighted to relevant project members.
Screenshot by Dropbox Capture
Saturation now allows for the actualization of pending transactions. Previously, only posted transactions could be actualized. This enhancement means you can update your budget and account for expenses as soon as they are initiated, rather than waiting for them to clear.
Enhanced budget management with the ability to actualize transactions immediately.
Improved cash flow tracking by reflecting pending expenses in real-time.
Greater accuracy in financial reporting, ensuring that all expenditures are accounted for as they occur.
How to Use:
In the Transactions section in a project, you will now see pending transactions available for actualization.
Select the pending transaction you wish to actualize and update your budget accordingly.
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